The Mosfilm studios were inaugurated in 1931 by Stalin. Five thousand people worked on a site the size of the Kremlin, a veritable labyrinthine city dedicated to cinema and the glory of the proletariat.
Cinéma, Economie - 52 mn -
The Mosfilm studios were inaugurated in 1931 by Stalin. Five thousand people worked on a site the size of the Kremlin, a veritable labyrinthine city dedicated to cinema and the glory of the proletariat.
Arts, Peinture & Arts plastiques - 52 mn -
Born in Patagonia in 1943, visual artist Carlos Regazzoni creates monumental works from recycled metal. Known for his excessive creative madness, he is also known for his colourful character.
Danse, Société - 54 mn -
Through the life stories of the milongueros of Buenos Aires, discover the poetic, social and cultural facets of a veritable dance phenomenon.
Sculpture, Histoire - 26 mn -
Born on the day of the Russian Revolution, Lev Kerbel began creating stone and marble sculptures at a very early age. After the Second World War, he became the official sculptor of the Soviet regime.
Musique et captations, Société française - 61 mn -
Other Ways of Listening traces the tumultuous history of the association La Muse en Circuit, founded by Luc Ferrari and dedicated to the development of non-standard music.
Seconde guerre mondiale, Mémoire - 70 mn -
Can the Shoah still resonate with new generations? As the last witnesses disappear, will places of remembrance become the only repositories of the past?
Conflits, Environnement et écologie - 52 mn -
In the Jordan Rift Valley, men have been at war for more than a half century. This human tragedy has led to an unprecedented ecological tragedy, causing the death of a billion migratory birds that used this crossing between Europe and Africa.
Société, Féminisme - 76 mn -
India remains the most dangerous country for women in 2018. Despite their invisibility, Dalits are fighting against multiple inequalities linked to gender. Faced with patriarchy, these women are pioneers in their emancipation.
Comédie dramatique, Cinéma français - 100 mn -
Nadine, who has always lived in the shadow of Jean, her husband for fifteen years, sinks into deep despair when he announces his intention to divorce her...
Cinéma français, Drame - 115 mn -
A nurse in Grenoble, Nicole is leading a harmonious life with her fiancé Jacques. One evening, on her way home, Nicole is attacked by four men who violently rape her.
Afrique - 52 mn -
"In 1978, I made my first trip to West Africa. More than a quarter of a century later, I've retraced my steps in search of those who left their mark on the memory of the young man I was."
Société française, Travail et social - 63 mn -
Dreams, anguish and anger. Vote for Dreams features Camille, Julien and Julia, the director; they met during the anti-First Employment Contrat movement in France in 2006 at the Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg.
97 mn -
Két férfi rivalizálása, apa és fia, mindketten színészek, mind a színpadon, mind a szerelmi életükben.
Animation - 90 mn -
Barber is a child like any other. His passion is astronomy. He is about to get his dream internship at NASA. An experience that quickly turns into a nightmare when he learns that space is a conspiracy created by NASA. A revelation that will plunge Barber into a total questioning about themself.
Afrique - 64 mn -
Filming in Botswana and Namibia, Pierre Mann is part of the tradition of ethnographic documentary by Jean Rouch.
Investigation - 105 mn -
A rigorous account of the tragedy of the Uyghurs, a minority victim of systemic repression and cultural genocide by the Chinese authorities.
Géopolitique - 52 mn -
Since the surprise return of Alexei Navalny to Russia in January 2021, the world has discovered the existence of a different Russia from that of Vladimir Putin. A Russia of the discontented.
Investigation - 52 mn -
What if the successive financial crises we are experiencing are hiding a deeper one?
Investigation - 90 mn -
As cannabis use continues to rise, a number of states across the world have decided on a radical course of action.
Sciences - 56 mn -
Decline in Intelligence Quotient, increase in autism and behavioral disorders: for twenty years, scientific studies show that human intelligence and mental health could be at risk.