This film is in English, but it is also available
in French.
Ce film est en anglais, mais il est également disponible
en version française.
Durée : 76 mn
Through Women's Eyes (76 mn)
Singled out as the land of rape, India has been ranked the most dangerous country for women in 2018. In addition to the cases of sexual violence that make headlines around the world, women face more subtle obstacles and discrimination on a daily basis, the result of a society riven by social inequality. Dalit women, formerly known as "Untouchables", are the most vulnerable and the most invisible. At the bottom of the social ladder, they accumulate inequalities linked to their gender, social class and caste, to which is added a geographical factor when they live in rural areas. While these women suffer under the Indian patriarchal system, they are also the first to stand up and take their destiny into their own hands.
A new documentary by director Léna Grelet
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