11 + SD

This film is in English, but it is also available in French.
Ce film est en anglais, mais il est également disponible en version française.

The Fables of Starewitch after La Fontaine (65 mn)


6 films, from 1922 to 1932, French original version with the voice of Léona Béatrice Martin-Starewitch, the grand-daughter of Ladislas Starewitch.
The Lion and the Gnat (1932)
Black and white, music by Hartmann and Devaux
The Town Rat and the Country Rat (1926)
Color change and dyeing process. 
The Frogs Who Asked For a King (1922)
Color change and dyeing process.
The Cicada and the Ant (1927)
Color change and dyeing process.
The Old Lion (1932)
Black and white, international version, music by Hartmann and Devaux
How does a ciné-marionnette come to life and move (1932)
Black and white, sound.
Ladislas Starewitch at work with his eldest daughter Irène, self-portait.

2010 musical composition by Jacques Cambra for the 3 silent films.

DVD Extras (22min) :
The Town Rat and the Country Rat
1932 version. Remake of the 1926 film with Joséphine Baker.

The Old Lion
Original French Version.

How does La Fontaine’s text  enrich the cinematic art of Starewitch ?

Original French version. English Subtitles by Léona Béatrice Martin-Starewitch on the DVD.

Many thanks to Cécile Farkas and Brent Keever.
DVD Pal Zone 2

The VOD contains the 6 main films (65’) in their original version, English subtitles.



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Starewitch - animation cinema - puppet cinema

Disponibilités : SVOD VOD DVD
Location VOD €3.90 Louer le film
DVD The Fables of Starewitch after La Fontaine €15.00 Acheter le DVD
Délai de livraison indicatif : 9 jours ouvrables
Offrir la VOD €3.90 Offrir

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