14 + SD

This film is in English, but it is also available in French.
Ce film est en anglais, mais il est également disponible en version française.

The "Grand detour" - 3rd episode (52 mn)


The Himalayas... the dream inside the dream, and a myth turned into reality for Delphine and Damien! 1.5 year after living France, they ride across forbidden Tibet, the highest country in the world, on their tandem bike, for 2 month and a half, and make a break along the way in Lhassa to capture the Tibetan folk's unmovable faith under Chinese occupation. Luckily enough, the Chinese authorities decide not to stop them. They then reach Nepal and India, where they experience the hardest cultural gap they've ever known. Exhausted but marvelling at India's incredible life, they finally make it back home through the Old Continent: Turkey, Bulgaria, Bosnia... meeting fascinating people on the way.

Damien Artero - Delphine Million - india

Disponibilités : SVOD VOD
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