Catalogue - recherche : Voyage

Films 341 à 344 sur 344
La Province Oubliée

La Province Oubliée SVODVODDVD

Entre la mer des Caraïbes et les Monts Maya se trouve le district de Toledo, connu comme La Province Oubliée du Belize, en Amérique Centrale. Durant ces vingt dernières années, les Mayas ont mis en avant leur programme d'écotourisme destiné à protéger leur forêt tropicale et leurs traditions.

My Life as a Double Bass

My Life as a Double Bass SVODVOD

My Life As A Double Bass is a musical « Road Movie » following the 140 year career of a double bass. She carries her bassist on the trail of her history meeting instrument makers, musicians and historians along the way. Through her story we discover the evolution of music making in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

A world of tea

A world of tea SVODVOD

Yellow, green, white or black. Before tasting and savouring tea, its lovers can enjoy its look and its smell. From China to Japan through India and Sri Lanka, this documentary deals with every aspect you need to know about tea, its story and how to enjoy it.

The Forgotten District

The Forgotten District SVODVODDVD

Between the Caribbean sea and the Maya Mountains lies Toledo, known as The Forgotten District of Belize, Central America. For the last 20 years, the Maya have been promoting their own ecotourism programme in order to protect their rainforest and traditions.

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