English catalog commençant par la lettre “L” produit en “2010”

 2 Films
La Folle Entreprise (A Mad Venture)

La Folle Entreprise (A Mad Venture) SVODVOD

A woman in the present goes in search of a woman of the past, Jeanne Mance (1606-1673), co-founder of MontrealAnnabel Loyola is from Langres, France, birthplace of Jeanne Mance four hundred years earlier. The two women share a common itinerary that leads them from Langres to Paris and, finally, to Montreal.



With Patrick GERMOND, Animal Pastelist.

Animal Pastelist, from the Société des Pastellistes de France, Patrick GERMOND chose to paint a portrait of a young lioness from Angola at the Parc des Félins, BENGUELA, in a dozen sessions.

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