Catalogue commençant par la lettre “T” - recherche : animation

3 Films
The Little Singer

The Little Singer SVODVODDVD

Three films starring the teenage Jeanne Starewitch, Nina, as a singing thread, as on the DVD Nina Star. A tale replete with an unexpected mix of animation and real shots, composed images, and stunning special effects in the 1920s.

The Adventures of Fétiche

The Adventures of Fétiche SVODVODDVD

This volume of The Adventures of Fétiche brings together five films created by Ladislas Starewitch and his eldest daughter Irène. Here you have the same character, Fétiche, that some saw as a rival to Mickey at the time, over a series of five episodes.

Torben et Sylvia

Torben et Sylvia

Torben ne désire qu’une chose dans la vie : être la plus belle des pommes, aussi rouge et ronde que celles que l’on trouve dans les grandes surfaces.

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