14 + SD

This film is in English, but it is also available in French.
Ce film est en anglais, mais il est également disponible en version française.

Happiness in Twenty Years (90 mn (DVD : 130 mn))


This documentary about Czechoslovakia covers the period following World War II, beginning with the Russian occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1945, up to 1970. The famous "defenestration of Prague" is one of the many events discussed. The son of Masaryk, the founder of Czechoslovakia, was forced to make concessions transforming Czechoslovakia into a communist state and in retaliation, was thrown out of the window of a government building in Prague. The joy of liberation from the Germans was swiftly followed by the miseries of Soviet occupation and later Soviet domination. This documentary abounds in wry visual ironies, including its final shot of General Dubcek.

Narrated by Orson Welles

Albert Knobler - Depuis 1945 - Géopolitique - Histoire

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DVD Happiness in Twenty Years €20.00 Acheter le DVD

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