“Ils” ont choisi de s’abstraire du “système”. De réduire la société planétaire des hommes à leur humble communauté locale. D’en réinventer la structure comme les liens. De privilégier la qualité sur la quantité, de se nourrir du fruit de leur labeur, de refonder une société de proximité, de respecter la nature.
Films produits par Planète.D
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3 Films
Autarcies SVODVOD
Europe, Cyclisme - 63 mn -
Autarcies SVODVOD
69 mn -
"They" have chosen to renegotiate the "system". Reduce the global society of men to their humble community. To reinvent the structure and bonds between them. Focus on quality over quantity, to feed on the fruit of their labor, to rebuild a society of proximity, which respects nature.
A step Sideways SVODVOD
33 mn -
Distant adventures, long-term travels, Damien loves them. But he does not think it necessary to cross 36 meridians for the thrill of exploration and discovery to be at the "rendez-vous". In 2012, he initiated a series of small-scale local adventures, in the french mountains.