Doriane Films

Films distribués par Doriane Films

Films 1281 à 1300 sur 1331
The Journey 9

The Journey 9 SVODVOD

Ninth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 10

The Journey 10 SVODVOD

Tenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 11

The Journey 11 SVODVOD

Eleventh episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 12

The Journey 12 SVODVOD

Twelfth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 13

The Journey 13 SVODVOD

Thirteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 14

The Journey 14 SVODVOD

Fourteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 15

The Journey 15 SVODVOD

Fifteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 16

The Journey 16 SVODVOD

Sixteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 17

The Journey 17 SVODVOD

Seventeenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 18

The Journey 18 SVODVOD

Eighteenth episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

The Journey 19

The Journey 19 SVODVOD

Last episode
« The Journey » is a 14½ hour documentary film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, released on film in 1987 at the Toronto Film Festival. It is structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues.

Ex-TAZ Citizen Ca$h (1987-1994) VoStEng

Ex-TAZ Citizen Ca$h (1987-1994) VoStEng SVODVODDVD

1987-1994 : « We owned Paris , everything was possible… » For the first time, the 90s seen from the inside by its actors and activists. When History ( of raves parties, hip hop, punk hardcore … ) meets Pat Ca$h’s stories, Gatsby from the late 80s. 

Chittagong, last stopover

Chittagong, last stopover SVODVODDVD

Chittagong, Bangladesh: last stop for the cargo ship Alhambra. Paul, a French captain, has abandoned his ship to the scrap merchants of the sea. With no cargo, no crew, no future, he takes the train to Dhaka, the capital...

Kursk, a submarine in troubled waters

Kursk, a submarine in troubled waters SVODVOD

When the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk tragically sank in August 2000, official accounts raised more questions than they answered. What caused the explosion that ruptured the sub's watertight hull? Why did rescue efforts take so long? And, perhaps most troubling, what about the American submarine that was reportedly in the same area of the Barents Sea?

Guy Gilbert, les combats d'un prêtre

Guy Gilbert, les combats d'un prêtre SVODVODDVD

Ce documentaire dresse pour la première fois un portrait en profondeur de Guy Gilbert, ce prêtre éducateur connu des médias et qui a consacré sa vie aux délinquants.

Teshumara, les guitares de la rébellion Touareg

Teshumara, les guitares de la rébellion Touareg SVODVODDVD

Un très beau documentaire musical sur le groupe phare de la musique touareg : Tinariwen. C’est le rock des Touareg, rencontre entre un BB King acéré et des muezzins survoltés, chants de révolte, d’errance, d’amour, blues nomade.

Nos amis les humains

Nos amis les humains SVODVOD

Ceci est une émission captée par les radio-téléscopes du programme S.E.T.I. (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)
Il semble que ce soit un documentaire d'observation de notre planète tourné par des sondes extra-terrestres et diffusé sur leurs canaux de diffusion.

Bernard Werber, le conteur du futur

Bernard Werber, le conteur du futur SVODVODDVD

À travers ses voyages en Corée, en Chine, en Ukraine, en Russie, mais aussi chez lui, à Paris, ou lors de dédicaces et de conférences, l’auteur nous dévoile quelques facettes de son intimité, sa technique de création et sa vision du monde de demain...

Contes pigmentés

Contes pigmentés SVODVODDVD

César du meilleur court métrage 2002, Mention spéciale au Festival de Cannes 2006, nombreux prix dans le monde entier, les films de Florence Miailhe n’en finissent plus de susciter admiration et enthousiasme.

Looking for Alice

Looking for Alice SVODVOD

Première femme réalisatrice de l’histoire du cinéma, Alice Guy commence sa carrière en 1894 comme secrétaire au comptoir général de la photographie de Léon Gaumont. Grâce à son talent et à sa force de caractère, elle va devenir,  metteur en scène et productrice des Studios Gaumont.