Catalogue produit en “2008” - recherche : emigration

3 Films
Tell me how you talk

Tell me how you talk SVODVOD

In a small village in Alsace, two teachers invite the parents of their pupils to come on Saturday mornings to present their languages and cultures...

No London Today

No London Today SVODVODDVD

Une plongée dans l’errance et l’attente à Calais de Chafik, Aron, Abraham, Henok et Ermias, des jeunes réfugiés qui tentent de passer illégalement en Angleterre.

No London Today

No London Today SVODVODDVD

No London Today is an immersion into the world of five young refugees, Chafik, Aron, Abraham, Henok and Ermias, waiting and wandering in Calais, trying illegally to reach England.

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