Catalogue - recherche : drama

5 Films
The Last Time

The Last Time SVODVOD

Love is made of compromise. Sophie is married and take a lot on herself. But this is the last time …

Near Future

Near Future SVODVOD

Two screens. On the left, Tim is wandering through the city at night. On the right, his future is already being written: in a few seconds, he will be the victim of a very serious assault.

Chittagong, last stopover

Chittagong, last stopover SVODVODDVD

Chittagong, Bangladesh: last stop for the cargo ship Alhambra. Paul, a French captain, has abandoned his ship to the scrap merchants of the sea. With no cargo, no crew, no future, he takes the train to Dhaka, the capital...

Strike Night

Strike Night SVODVOD

A glacial winter night. Kim undertakes by foot the last miles of a journey that started in North Korea. He's going to Marie's house but gets lost on the way.

Drowned heart

Drowned heart SVODVOD

Detective Medi investigates the grievous destiny of a number of people by seeking the testimony of Artist Kamal’s latest assistant, Souad. Souad’s testimony doesn’t reveal only the destiny of the people she knew, but also her own personal story with the deceased.

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