Catalogue - recherche : artist

4 Films
Becoming Cary Grant

Becoming Cary Grant SVODVOD

For the first time one of Hollywood’s greatest stars tells his own story, in his own words.

To whoever wants to listen

To whoever wants to listen SVODVODDVD

To whoever wants to listen features the artists from the improbable world of Noise and extreme music, who have decided to take transgression to new limits in ways that are diverse to say the least.

Parole de king !

Parole de king ! SVODVODDVD

If the Drag Queens are in the limelight in cabarets, few people know the Drag Kings who use the codes of masculinity to play with those of femininity.

Autumn Light by Patrice Bourdin

Autumn Light by Patrice Bourdin SVODVOD

In his studio in Berry, the artist Patrice Bourdin paints a forest alley of his imagination with pastels.

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