Catalogue - recherche : Medvedkine

3 Films
Tant que les murs tiennent

Tant que les murs tiennent SVODVOD

Rhodiacéta 2014, un site industriel oublié à l’entrée d’une ville. 
Abandonné depuis bientôt 30 ans, il est devenu le théâtre clandestin de générations de graffeurs, photographes et autres argonautes qui hantent l’endroit.

Class of struggle

Class of struggle SVODVOD

The birth of a union branch in a watch-making factory in 1968. This is the first made by the workers of the Medvedkine group and it shows how Suzanne manages to convince the other women working in that factory to regroup, despite the uncooperative union leaders and the management intimidations.

The train rolls on

The train rolls on SVODVOD

This is an introduction to Le Bonheur by Alexander Medvedkine. 
The story of an experimental cine-train that drove for 294 days, filming the problems met by the Russian revolution and the economic development in 1930.  

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