Catalogue commençant par la lettre “A” produit en “1969” - recherche : Politique

2 Films
A Grin Without a Cat : Part 1

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 1 SVODVOD

It focuses on global political turmoil in the 1960s and '70s, particularly the rise of the New Left in France and the development of socialist movements in Latin America. Using the image of Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, the film's title evokes a dissonance between the promise of a global socialist revolution (the grin) with its actual nonexistence.

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 2

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 2 SVODVOD

It focuses on global political turmoil in the 1960s and '70s, particularly the rise of the New Left in France and the development of socialist movements in Latin America. Using the image of Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, the film's title evokes a dissonance between the promise of a global socialist revolution (the grin) with its actual nonexistence.

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