Catalogue Histoire et Géopolitique commençant par la lettre “A”

Films 41 à 45 sur 45
Alerte Verte - Niger: La Bataille de l'Uranium

Alerte Verte - Niger: La Bataille de l'Uranium

Dans la course effrénée aux matières premières d'aujourd'hui, l'uranium du Niger est devenu un enjeu stratégique convoité par tous. Mais cette manne ne bénéficie pas à la population locale Touarègue et l'uranium a gravement pollué les alentours des sites miniers, provoquant de nombreuses maladies.


Altermondialistes SVODVODDVD

Les altermondialistes proposent la mise en place de solutions pour un monde plus juste où les valeurs humaines seraient au centre du débat grâce à une réappropriation du contrôle citoyen par la société civile.

A Tomb For Khun Srun

A Tomb For Khun Srun SVODVOD

Khem looks into her father's history, Khun Srun, a Cambodian writer who joined the ranks of the Khmer Rouge in 1973 and was executed by them in 1978. She meets some survivors, a cousin, an aunt, and workers in a railway workshop who knew her father.

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 1

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 1 SVODVOD

It focuses on global political turmoil in the 1960s and '70s, particularly the rise of the New Left in France and the development of socialist movements in Latin America. Using the image of Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, the film's title evokes a dissonance between the promise of a global socialist revolution (the grin) with its actual nonexistence.

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 2

A Grin Without a Cat : Part 2 SVODVOD

It focuses on global political turmoil in the 1960s and '70s, particularly the rise of the New Left in France and the development of socialist movements in Latin America. Using the image of Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, the film's title evokes a dissonance between the promise of a global socialist revolution (the grin) with its actual nonexistence.

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