Catalogue - recherche : healing

4 Films
The living Matrix

The living Matrix DVD

The Living Matrix - The Science of Healing - we bring you breakthroughs that will transform your understanding of how to get well and stay well.
Now you can get an up-close look at the science of information as medicine. Leading researchers and health practitioners share their discoveries on the "miracle cures" traditional medicine can't explain.

Casualties of waves

Casualties of waves SVODVOD

Microwaves, Wi-fi, 3G, mobile phones, electrical network…
We are all electrosensitive. Our bodies are sensitive to electromagnetic waves going through our environment. Intangible and invisible, these electromagnetic waves are nowadays everywhere, they have invaded our daily lives.

Healing ways...

Healing ways... SVODVODDVD

This film addresses a more global aspect of healing. Different visions and points of view on healing are presented. Spiritual healing and healing induced by thoughts are discussed. Do these women and men find their strength in love and faith ?



Bruce Lipton has written "The Biology of Beliefs" and "Spontaneous Evolution" and is a world authority on relationships between science and spirit.

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