English catalog produit en “2019”

 3 Films
Highly sensitive children

Highly sensitive children SVODVOD

They feel acutely the atmosphere of a place, absorb your emotion and feel it as if it were their own, but in an exacerbated way.Their senses are amplified.

The age of museums

The age of museums SVODVOD

This film looks at the role of culture and architecture in the current social life of metropolitan Paris through the lens of the Orsay and Louvre museums, questioning the current critical state of the "museum cult" in 2019/2020. 

Immersed in the artwork of the Orsay and Louvre museums, a young architect lets her thoughts wander beyond the space in which she finds herself, taking you on an architectural journey of the Parisian metropolis.

Prince Jordan

Prince Jordan SVODVOD

Last winter, the storm Liliane blew away the district of “Les Lagunes” and with her, Prince Jordan, 15 years old. He was Linda’s lover and the natural leader of a bunch of kids from the corner. Sent to boarding school after the tragedy, Linda returns to the resort and finds that the small community is disintegrating.

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