Mariette Feltin

Films de Mariette Feltin

2 Films
Purim, the tunnels of memory

Purim, the tunnels of memory SVODVODDVD

Austria, Linz 2009 - European Capital of Culture. A Purimspil, the ancestor of the Jewish Theater, is written by Yeshua Sobol and directed by David Maayan, two great Israeli's artists, and played in tunnels dug by the prisoners of the Mauthausen concentration camp. A documentary observation of the sidelines of a very unconventional play and its creative work about memory.

Purim, les tunnels de la mémoire

Purim, les tunnels de la mémoire SVODVODDVD

Autriche, Linz 2009 – Capitale européenne de la culture. Un Purimspil, l’ancêtre du théâtre juif, est mis en scène par le grand dramaturge israélien David Maayan dans les tunnels creusés par les prisonniers du camp de concentration de Mauthausen, et joué pendant Purim, le carnaval juif.