Catalogue Société : Portrait produit en “2014”

Films 21 à 24 sur 24
Skate of mind

Skate of mind

Meeting young Israeli skaters for whom skating is not only a way of life but also their sole way out. An inside vision on the wheels of their acrobatic world.

L’Énigme Mardore

L’Énigme Mardore SVODVOD

La vie et l'oeuvre de Michel Mardore (1935-2009), écrivain, journaliste, photographe, réalisateur, racontée par ceux qui l'ont connu.  

Ramallah Tirana

Ramallah Tirana DVD

Ramallah, Tirana. Two names, two cities that seem to be in stark opposition. The former, the actual administrative capital of one of the most media-covered territories, Palestine. The latter, the capital of an unknown country with an improbable geography yet located at the heart of Europe, Albania.

The devil’s child

The devil’s child SVODVOD

Marion wants to retrace her past, along with Elisabeth Blanchet who has photographed Ceausescu’s orphans. We will follow her in her quest, in a road movie across Romania, as the country prepares to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the dictator’s fall.

Capuseen c'est plus de 4900 DVD et 5400 VOD
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